Saturday, October 18, 2008

Bad Technology.

The one irritating thing about technology is that sometimes it DOESN'T WORK.
Which is irritating.
I am an artist. I know enough about technology to keep my laptop running. Usually. Although... my laptop is: 1) Asthmatic. 2) Slow. 3) Extremely vulnerable to viruses. 4) Ornery.
My laptop has a mind of its own. For one thing, I like to shut it at night, which puts it into hibernation. But it doesn't really like to wake up from hibernation. Another thing: It thinks all the videos I watch are stupid, so it lags and drags and pretty much doesn't let me watch them. And also, it hates PDF files, which means I have a hard time pulling up my online textbooks.
I think my laptop hates French, too. Because usually when it shuts down unexpectedly, it saves all the documents I have open with its funky little Microsoft Word AutoRecover thing. However, it chose to delete most of the VERY IMPORTANT documents I needed for my most recent French project, leaving me to spend an hour and a half re-typing.
And then there are times when it just doesn't work. That's when I call my dad. Because he, unlike myself, is a Man of Technology. Meaning this:
Laptop: **cackles evilly**
Dad: **clicks a few buttons**
Laptop: ...ouch.
Dads are great. Technology is also great. But only if you have a dad to fix it for you.
I remain, gentlebloggers, your obedient servant,
Commodore Scribbles